Thursday 31 July 2008

The Light

At the end of the tunnel is starting to shine.

With regards to this - he asked me to be his sponsor. Initially, I had no clue what he was on about - but he's been to two GA meetings so far (2/2 weeks is good!). Apparently - he needs a sponsor. And the role of the sponsor is that whenever he feels the urge to gamble, he has to call me and I have to read some stuff out of this book that GA have given to him (and he will give to me).
This makes me smile. A lot. The fact that he's realised that it's not just about the money he's lost but the time, the missed opportunities, the disappointment of parents and so much more - I have faith in him.


Sachini said...

wow...good for him...and it's great that you can help him because a sponsor has a big responsibility according to everything I've read and seen.

Anonymous said...

everyone starts somewhere.. good luck to you and to ur friend.. hope all goes well..

TheWhacksteR said...

hey good luck! keep it tight..

Jack Point said...

Best of luck!

Angel said...

Good luck to both of you... fingers and toes crossed, full of faith!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you two are going to embark on a loong journey.. here's wishing the both of you the courage and strength to maneuver through the many obstacles that come your way.. may you find the wizard at the end of the yellow brick road! :o)

Scrumps said...

To all: Thank you! No doubt, you'lll be able to read our journey!