Tuesday 16 February 2010

The Same Old Story

I hate girls. I really do. OK, maybe hate is too strong a word but I really dislike them. And maybe girls is too much of a generalisation. Just RL. So basically I dislike RL.

B’s getting married (Whoooooooo!). It’s kind of happened quickly and I am soooooo pleased for her. RL and B have been getting on really well recently and I can wholeheartedly say that this does not bother me. Wholeheartedly.

So RL phoned me yesterday and this is our convo went:

RL: I just thought I’d call so we could squeal about B coz we haven’t really spoken about it
Me: Oh right. Yeah, I’m really pleased for her.
RL: *Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal*
Me: Yeah, I’m really happy for her. Sorry I’m not much of a squealer.
RL: Oh.
Me: I’m just sad that she’s going to move.
RL: (in what I think was a really patronizing voice): I know. It’s so sad. All your best friends are getting married! Are you OK?
Me: Yeah. I mean – *area where B is moving to* is only a few hours away and it’s not like I see B everyday anyway. Most of our friendship is over the phone. Besides – he seems really nice.
RL: Yeah, I haven’t met him yet.
Me: Me neither.
RL: Why don’t you come when I go to meet him then? I’m going to meet him the weekend after my birthday. Why don’t you come along?
Me: Erm… sure.
RL: Scrumps – are you busy? Do you need to go?
Me: Er.. Actually yeah, I’m sorry. I’ll talk to you soon. *formalities of goodbyes and take cares*

So seriously – does she think that I am going to fall apart because my friends are getting married? Or the fact that she thinks she’ll meet my best friend’s fiancĂ© before me?! Or the fact that she thinks I’m a squealer?! (I'm much more of a "woooooo hooooo" -er!

I’m being a bitch I know! But it's a vicious cycle - RL annoys me, I keep my distance, I feel bad, I initiate contact, she annoys me, I distance myself and so it continues.... But this time round, I've made the right decision. I'm just going to keep my contact to an absolute minimum - birthdays of mutual friends and the gazillions of weddings that I will have to go to this year!

Oh the dramas that are bound to ensue this year!


Sabby said...

Oh she sounds delightful


T said...

LOL i think you're reading too much into this. Nothing an occasional snarky remark wont fix.

Kaiser Kobayashi said...

(whispers) You could poison her you know!!! ;) heheh

and ps. Why is that thingy called WORD verification??? Is unjur a word??? :s *sigh* the things that bother this kaiser noh!!! heheh Have a great day aney! *hugs* *love*

santhoshi said...

She sounds a Cow and she seems to know it too..

Jack Point said...

I'm just curious, how did you two become friends in the first place?

Scrumps said...

Sabby: She truly is!

T: You think? Maybe. I don't know. Imight just give up on the "friendship"... :S

Kasier: No one is going to poison anybody! Put those thoughts away!

Santhoshi: I know inna?! :(

JP: I don't know. We all knew similar people when we started uni and then she was going out with one of my friends so I guess by mutual association? So long ago now... :(