Yeah, that's right. I said it - I'm easy.
I give too easily.
I give in too easily.
I give up too easily.
What's wrong with me? Why can't I be more aloof? More stubborn perhaps?
Why do I wear my heart on my sleeve? That makes it prone to getting hurt so much quicker and so easier.
Why do I trust so easily?
Why do I see the best in everyone? Why must they prove to me otherwise and make me question my judgement?
Why am I so easily pleased?
Am I settling? In life? With friends? With love?
Why must people mess with my feelings?
I know I'm easy - I've already said it. But you shouldn't take advantage of that. Not as my family, my friend or even my lover.
Is the 2025 Budget Workable for Women?
17 hours ago
I was just wondering those exact same things this morning....
I'm not family nor a friend and not your lover. Can I take advantage? :)
talk abt it... you talk for me also in this post...
I'm the same... sigh!
you are not alone in this one Scrumps..
I can so relate to this...Nicely said.
I was thinking the exact same thing last night!
I can sooooo relate to this.
Nicely written as well.
Hello Scrumpulicious, It is because you are a good person. We all should trust people but our animal instincts kick in most of the time and we behave worse than Cerno's dog. But the world is a nice place with people like you. Be strong.
Hey... don't let it get to you! Good people (almost) always get taken advantage of! Don't change though...
Dili: Great minds and all that!
Uhu: Definitely not! It's bad enough that they are! :-P
LD: A woman after my own heart!
MC: That's comforting in a weird warped sense!
Sapphira: There's far too many of us clearly!
QFAP: Like I said to Dili - great minds and all that jazz and thank you for the nicely written comment!
Kalu: Yay! You're back! Thank you for your kind words.
Angel: Lol - I'll try not to! :)
have you heard my demo? (:
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