Sunshine rocks! No seriously - it's amazing how much of a difference a little bit of sunshine can make. For those of you in sunnier climes (eg - SL!), maybe you don't see the difference a lil' bit of sunshine makes!
Here in the UK -we've just had a long weekend. 3 day weekends rock (but not as much as 4 day ones - Easter bank holiday)!
We've also had some crappy crappy weather - it's either been raining bucket loads, or been far too cold but this weekend - this weekend was different because... the sun shone. And I don't mean the kind of shining where it peeks a few rays out from behind the greyest of grey clouds. No; I mean the kind of sun shining where the sky is blue, not a cloud in the sky and the Sun itself elicits a reaction in people. They start to smile and become more appreciative of their surroundings. People become more pleasant and for someone who loves people who have manners - the guys become that much more attractive. They have their dishevelled rolled up sleeves look going on and combine this with manners and you're well on your way to finding my Prince Charming!
I love the fact that the Sun makes guys take that little bit more notice of girls (me being one of them!). It means that my legs can be subjected to a bit of sun. They've been hidden away for far too long but now the time comes when I can wear skirts and flip flops. It means out goes the winter coat and in comes the summer jacket. And it means sunglasses Audrey Hepburn style adding that lil' bit of glamour to a poor soul on a random street in London!
I just like the feel good factor that people get from the Sun - it cheers me up no end! :)
Outside the Oval Office
8 hours ago
Well you wont be singing the same tune on the occasions when its like having a tanning lamp 2 inches from your face. :) We've had alternating days of soaking rain and burning sun in SL lately. im more of a rain person myself, but my perfect day has just the right combo of both. And today was about 60% right for me
And anyhow, our showers are probably warm and cosy compared to UK right?
Mmm the weather here has been gorgeous too. I've been sunning myself far too much though, but I can't seem to help myself!
Absence makes the heart grow fonder they say. Here's wishing you lots of sunshine, to last the season. :)
good to hear.... let me wish you lots and lots of sunshine to last through the way...:D
We've been having a lot of rain in SL too so beginning to appreciate the sun more when it does come out.
The trouble is it gets too hot whe it does so then we start missing the rain...
Dili: We rarely rarely get any sun. Seriously, these 5 days of Sun are probably the equivalent of our Summer! :$
And you're quite right - SL rain showers are beautiful, warm and fun!
Darwin: Don't worry about it - we need to make the most of the sunshine, we don't get it enough!
Chaarmax & LD: Thank you! :)
JP: Now is the perfect time to come to England no? Enjoy our sun! :)
You're right, good weather makes us all smile a bit more no?
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