Friday 30 April 2010

Bieber Fever

I love him.

Justin Bieber.

Monday 26 April 2010


Betty is now fixed. I cannot begin to tell you how please I am to have her back!

On a side note - for someone who wears her heart on her sleeve and is bare emotional, why is it I find it so hard to tell people how I'm feeling?!

Friday 23 April 2010

Tears to my Eyes

This story.

Tuesday 20 April 2010


I chose this exercise activity because you can kind of sit down whilst taking part.

And yet, my ass is in the most amount of pain ever!

Ironic really isn't it?!

Monday 19 April 2010

Feeling Sorry For Myself

I'm telling it how it is.

TTOTM and I'm feeling lonely. All my friends are getting married and I'm not. :(

It's like they're moving on and I am being completely left behind!

Thursday 15 April 2010

The Down Side of Road Rage

I don't get road rage (often). In fact, I can be very patient. What I don't like though is when people try to cut me up.
You can clearly see that I have patiently been waiting in the queue of traffic to get to my destination.
You can see that I am in the correct lane (I know some of these concepts may be foreign in SL! :P). So why do you think it is acceptable to come speeding along the side of me and try to pull out in front of me?!

My usual response to these things are (me shouting through the glass and hoping that the person can lip read!) "Can't you see that we've all been waiting patiently?!" No, I will not let you in. I've WE'VE all been waiting and you should too! No I don't care how flash your car is!" (whilst thinking "That is such a nice car!")

So this morning when someone tried to cut me up and I moved Betty forward to close the gap, I was mortified that the driver of the other car that I had just given my usual response to was VERY HOT! To make it worse, he gave me a very sorry looking shrug (one that said, "we could have had something!") and I felt very very bad. Not least because he was hot, but more out of guilt!

The moral of this story? Choose your road rage victims wisely.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Meet The Friends

It hasn't happened yet.

But telling R about it elicited a "You can't marry a non-Tamil!". And this was not said in a malicious or racist way but it made me think.

Friday 9 April 2010


J has asked me to go out with him and his friends tomorrow night. I've said yes. But now I'm not so sure.

(Over analysis coming up!)

By meeting his friends, what does this signify in our "relationship"? Are we in one? Is it going that way? Does he want to know what his friends think of me if he decides that he's committing? What do I do? Our cultures are very different. If I decide to go with it because there are plenty of cross cultural relationships and ours could flourish and then it ends in heartbreak - is it worth it?