Monday 19 April 2010

Feeling Sorry For Myself

I'm telling it how it is.

TTOTM and I'm feeling lonely. All my friends are getting married and I'm not. :(

It's like they're moving on and I am being completely left behind!


Sabby said...

Just yesterday I was looking at Bestie's wedding pics (again) and I was feeling sorry for myself.

You are allowed, don't worry!

*hugs* :)

Ubersweet said...

Can relate. Even my divorced friends are finding love and happiness and I'm STILL single dammit!!!!


Your friend Sabby is right. You're allowed.

Read articles on Oprah's website. That should help a tiny bit.

Dili said...

*hugs* are all I have to give Scrumpy, hope it'll help

PseudoRandom said...

Join the club, my love! The loneliness kills, doesn't it? See if only we weren't over 50 miles apart, we could meet up in random cafés and ogle hot men on the internet using your fancy iphone. Sigh.


P.S.- I find watching Bridget Jones helps...we're nowhere near as bad as her and even she managed to bag Mark Darcy!

pp said... =)

just chill yo, it'll happen when it happens. til then, enjoy the single life ;)

Dee said...

aiyor what's this!?

FINroD said...

looks like loneliness is in the air with the females of the blogosphere. well im sure you can do something to change that :)

Lady divine said...

I can perfectly understand what you mean.....

Sometimes I do think of that...

But,it's nothing to be sad about...:)

It means your perfect time is yet to come.. and it will...:)

Be hopeful..:)


santhoshi said...

scrumpy the grass is always greener on the other side wise words from me. hugs

crystal flame said...

hugs. it does feel lonely. and you dont know where to turn to. take care!

Scrumps said...

Sabby: Thank you.

Ubersweet: I know what you mean! :(

Dili: I'll take them! :)

PR: Well, we've just had our yearly dose. Maybe we could make them 6 monthly doses?!

PP: I will chill yo! :P

Dee: It's called a pity party! :P

FINroD: Like what?!

LD: I hope so. :)

Santhoshi: It's always the case isn't it?

Crystal Flame: It's hard sometimes. :(