Thursday, 5 August 2010

Published Without a Title!

I want to go and see Ellie Goulding live.

I want NEED a holiday. I'm dead set on Thailand but now that everyone is married - I need someone to go with!



Seesaw said...

haha. I know how you feel. Single friends are the best, but then they go get hitched and you're left looking for people to do stuff with!

I like Ellie Goulding too btw :-)

PseudoRandom said...

...and the few single friends you've got *cough cough* are broke :-| Soz!

Speaking of which, when was the last time you checked your email, Missy? :P

Anonymous said...

LOL i geuss that sucks! try to get a couple to go with you. it might not be that acqward. :-)

great blog! im following

Dee said...

awwww!!! i'm sure u can find someeeoneee!