Monday, 9 August 2010

Ass Kissing

There's so much of it around.


cj said...


santhoshi said...

Sure is !

Rad said...

Hell Ya!!! It's a Art now...

~ lo$t $oul ~ said...

Another corporate victim? or does it happen all over..????

Me-shak said...

Ass kissing, the short cut to happiness. So they say :S


Dili J said...

Ass kissing is everywhere. I guess end of the day it’s driven by once ulterior motives – be it recognition ,monitory& physical comforts, rewards , promotions, getting scot free of doing or not doing things ect.. But those rewards are short lived -that shelter, comfort zone will soon collapse bringing you down to Earth once again.. There is a saying what goes around comes around noh

Anonymous said...

N here I thought 'twas all taboo n only kinky chix do it!
Maybe peeps aren't dat prudish afterall in private

Wanderlust said...

...and all around the world.

Black Rose said...

A to the MEN. *ahem* Amen!