Friday 2 July 2010

BARE Pressure!

A & R are getting married next weekend. I have no weekends free until August now as most are taken up with weddings, mehndis and receptions! I'm not even a bride and it's crazy!

But now my tension has got worse as both A & R have asked me to take some "candid shots"!

My SLR photography skills are limited! I'm still learning. This is immense pressure.


Gehan said...

i suggest channelling ur inner papparazzi! take a million pictures at every possible instant, and even if a tiny percentage turn out, you've got yourself a decent number.

safety in numbers!

Dee said...

ya what G said. take a loooot :D

~ lo$t $oul ~ said...

go get crazy.. :) or give the cam to a kid..*not you, another kid* hehehe

I'm sure its going to be, cam n grls.. are meant to be together..if wht G says truly applies.. :P

will we get to see?

PseudoRandom said...

Oooooooooh exciting!

Adding to what Gehan said, make sure you have at least two sets of spare batteries (all charged - I'm not joking) and spare (empty) memory cards. Also try using burst mode - might help with the blur that you inevitably get with candid shots (as in you'll get at least one that's not blurred). Don't take too many lenses (if you do have more than one) - you'll spend most of your time switching lenses or complaining about having to switch...not very 'candid'!

As for what goes into the photos...experiment! As long as people are enjoying themselves, it'll be fine :-).

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!

P.S.-why haven't I seen this SLR of yours?

n said...

If you are a newbie to SLR photography and you're doing portrait work, use the AV mode and shoot wide open or f5.6. This, depending on your lens, should give you a nice blurred background and a focus on the couple. Check your images often to see how the meter is handling the exposures and adjust using the exposure compensation feature and your ISO if you're getting blurry pics. Good luck and enjoy! :)

Me-shak said...

i agree with what everyone says. take a lot of pictures. try and get a few cool lenses if you can.
all the best.


Scrumps said...

Gehan: And that was the approach I took!

Dee: Ditto!

~lo$t $oul: Maybe none with any people in!

PR: I'm still very much learning! And I wish I could afford fancy lenses! And you haven't seen it because I never bring it out! But definitely from now on!

N: Took your advice - got some ok shots I think!

Me-shak: If only I could afford them! :(