Wednesday 3 August 2011


After this, I knew the wedding was looming. So every so often I would check the website again to see if they had your wedding photos up. And lo and behold they do now. A little stalker-ish I know but that wasn't my intention.

I definitely now have complete closure. It still hurts because I invested so much time in "us" and obviously you chose somebody else. But there's so much that you can't offer me. The wedding looks like a nice affair. Not how I would have done it but nice nonetheless. Your outfit was probably the wrong choice - it makes you look fat and that's not meant in a spiteful way but you've clearly put on weight.

We're definitely done.


Lady divine said...

good for you!


Now, any new crushes? ;-)

cj said...

Bet it still hurts... hugs take care. But glad you managed to get some closure.

Delilah said...

closure is good. sometimes it takes a jolt to arrive at it. but its uphill from there. you'll be ok. hugs.

Angel said...

Closure is excellent... and to misquote someone, you may not be his choice, but you are a great choice... cheers to being you!!

Guiding Spirit said...

It does hurt but you have closure now which is definitely good. Someone who can offer you everything you need, want and deserve will come along .. soon .. till then, hang in there and celebrate being you .. hugs ...

Dee said...

This is great :) I love this time in life. Time to move on!

Cadence said...

Good for u! :) hugs!

Scrumps said...

LD: Far too many. I am a floozy! :|

CJ: Thanks.

Delilah: I hope so. Thank you.

Angel: Awww - you're very kind. Thank you.

GS: Thank you.

Dee: Me too! Took long enough to get here though!

Cadence: Thanks.